Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

"Are Catholics Born Again? 20 Points that prove that they are not.""Are Catholics Born Again? 20 Points that prove that they are not."

Being “born again” is central to Christianity, specifically within Protestantism. It refers to a spiritual rebirth and accepting Jesus Christ as one’s Lord and Savior. 

Catholicism follows a unique path to salvation through traditional observances outside biblical tenets of faith in Christ alone.

This article examines whether Catholics are “born again” by exploring their beliefs and practices and identifying 20 practices that place them outside the parameters of central Christianity as stipulated in the Bible.

1. Infant Baptism

Catholics practice infant baptism, which involves baptizing babies and giving them first names. This practice is not biblical since Jesus and His Apostles baptized adult believers who could consciously repent and declare their faith.

2. Praying the Rosary

The rosary is a prayer ritual that involves repeating specific prayers while counting beads and meditating on the lives of Christ and the Virgin Mary. This practice is not mentioned in the Bible and elevates Mary to a role for which she is not qualified.

3. Veneration of Mary

Catholics pray to Mary, seeking her intercession. This practice is nonbiblical and contrary to the Bible, which teaches that Jesus is the sole mediator between God and humans.

4. Intercession of Saints

The belief in the intercessory power of deceased saints leads Catholics to ask them to intercede; this is an anti-biblical practice that engages in idolatry by suggesting that saints who have passed away can fulfill a mediating role that the Bible only attributes to Christ.

5. Titles like Pope and Cardinal

The Catholic Church uses titles like Pope, Cardinal, Vicar, and others not found in the Bible, creating a hierarchy not endorsed by Scripture.

6. Veneration of Images and Relics

Catholics venerate images and relics of Mary and the saints, which Christians view as idolatry, contrary to the biblical prohibition against graven images.

7. The Mass

The Catholic Mass, one of Catholicism’s main liturgical rites, lacks obvious biblical references and is nonbiblical

8. Crucifix with Christ

Catholics display the crucifix with Christ still on the cross. This symbol signifies a dead religion, whereas mainstream Christianity displays an empty cross, symbolizing the risen Christ.

9. Purgatory

The doctrine of purgatory, where souls undergo purification before entering Heaven, is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible and is hellish propaganda to blind their adherents even more. Such a place does not exist and is nonbiblical.

10. Transubstantiation

Catholics believe in transubstantiation, where the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ during the Eucharist. The word Eucharist does not appear in the Bible, and that doctrine is considered sinful.

11. Confession to Priests

Confessing sins to a priest for absolution is considered nonbiblical, as the Bible teaches that believers can confess directly to God.

12. Celibacy of Clergy

The requirement for Catholic priests to remain celibate is a non-biblical requirement for church leaders.

13. The Immaculate Conception

The belief in the Immaculate Conception, where Mary was born without original sin, is a doctrine unique to Catholicism. The Catholic Church has accepted this theological interpretation for centuries, leading its members astray.

14. The Assumption of Mary

Christian protestants do not support the idea that Mary, the mother of Jesus, ascended to Heaven in a bodily form after her death. Only Jesus ascended into Heaven in a physical form, and not Mary.

15. Sacrament of Confirmation  

The Catholic sacrament of confirmation, which involves anointing with oil and laying on hands, lacks clear biblical support.

16. Holy Orders

The sacrament of Holy Orders, which ordains individuals into the priesthood, creates a separate priestly class not endorsed by the New Testament.

17. Anointing of the Sick

While anointing the sick is biblical, the Catholic sacrament of anointing the sick includes elements not found in Scripture.

18. Liturgical Calendar

The Catholic liturgical calendar, with its extensive feast days and observances, encompasses traditions not explicitly outlined in the Bible.

19. Scapular Devotion

Biblical teaching does not support wearing scapulars, which are small devotional items.

20. Canonization of Saints

The formal process of canonizing saints is unbiblical, as the New Testament refers to all believers as saints.

The 20 points above highlight the antibiblical practices of the catholic religion that make it nonchristian and a rebellious stand-alone religion away from Christianity, proving the question of whether Catholics are “born again” according to Scripture.

Catholics hold that baptism and the sacraments can bring about rebirth or salvation. Still, all Catholic practices lack a biblical foundation and, as a result, are outside the purview of Scripture’s definition of true Christianity. 

The Bible is the final Word of God, and no entity, be it religion or person, can alter or change what God has written. God expects His Church to operate here on earth according to the scriptures.

Catholicism is a false and spiritually dangerous stand-alone religion away from Christianity and not established by the Holy Spirit but by Satan himself based on the 20 main points highlighted above. Run away from Catholicism as fast as you can.

By Christianity News Daily

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