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‘The Future of the Christians in Egypt is Unknown,’ Interview with a Coptic Christian Activist

Coptic Christians face widespread persecution and discrimination for their faith.

Coptic Christians are the largest minority group in Egypt and the most significant Christian community in the Middle East.

Coptic Christians also face widespread persecution and discrimination for their faith. Global Christian Relief recently interviewed a Coptic Christian rights activist in Cairo who operates a nonprofit advocating for human rights for Christians and other minorities in Egypt. His name has been withheld for security purposes.


In Egypt, faith-based discrimination is systematic and continuous. Christians in Egypt have long been treated as second-class citizens, and Coptic Christians continue to fight for more rights. The discrimination we face is both overt and covert.

In Egypt, they include religious affiliations on national identity cards, which promote discrimination. I will walk you through some of the different sectors of our lives and what it means to be a Christian in Egypt.

Building churches is an arduous process. Many villages in Upper Egypt lack churches because of the opposition of extremists who prohibit their construction. Coptic Christians do not feel they can worship without hindrance.

In marginalized and remote villages, where there are no churches or places of worship, Christians must walk long distances to attend a church. Obtaining a license to build a church is extremely difficult and requires following complex legal procedures.

In these more rural areas, they can protest any Christian religious activity. Even house church gatherings have caused religious mobs to gather and chant hostile slogans.

The police intervene but often close the church to bring peace instead of dispersing the crowds. Several churches have been completed and still cannot reopen. They are waiting for an official decision or permission from the authorities.

Thousands of churches in Egypt have become relics of the past, deteriorating as they await permission for reconstruction.

Society prevents Copts from being equal in work and political practice. They entirely excluded Coptic Christians from all decision-making and essential institutions in Egypt, including the judiciary system, the legal system, intelligence agencies, national security, security services, and leadership in universities.

We do not see Christians in these senior positions, as there is a ceiling for career advancement.

There is also discrimination and persecution of Christian students within the educational process in Egypt. The curriculum itself often contains derogatory or inciting language against people of other religions.

Another aspect Christians face in Egypt is the forced disappearance of Coptic women. The kidnapping of Coptic women is systematic, planned, and well-funded. Cases of these disappearances are frequent, and Christian families rarely find justice.

These kidnappings occur in Cairo and across Egypt, but they are significantly prevalent in Upper Egypt, posing the greatest danger to minority groups. Often, these women are minors. There have even been reports of forced conversions during these kidnappings.

Christian families rarely felt they could get the help or justice they deserved when making police reports. Until the Egyptian government acknowledges and addresses this widespread problem, it will continue.


Muslims who choose to follow Jesus face many challenges. First, they are in danger from extremists who believe their role is to commit violence against them. They often live as displaced and unable to settle because of fear of retaliation from family or society.

They often find difficulty finding work in both Muslim and Christian-run businesses and face the challenge of finding a spouse. Even most churches do not accept them, as Coptic Christians might fear these converts may be security informants.

These former Muslims face many sufferings. What makes them stand firm and continue in their faith is that they followed Jesus out of conviction and love. The hope they have experienced encourages them to endure anything for the sake of Christ.

How do you envision the future of the Egyptian Church?

Changing extremists’ ideologies proves incredibly challenging, and regrettably, these ideologies persistently transfer from one generation to another. The future of the Christians in Egypt is unknown.

How can we pray for the Egyptian Church?

I ask you to pray for all the persecuted Christians in Egypt—that God would support, strengthen, and protect them. Pray for the unity of Christians, the suffering of the displaced, and peace in the region.

GCR is America’s leading organization that monitors and supports persecuted Christians worldwide.

GCR helps the Western church protect persecuted Christians in restrictive countries.

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