
North Dakota Christian school donates over 1,500 pounds of food

A North Dakota Christian school has collected nearly 1,500 pounds of donated nonperishable food items and over $650 in funds during an event to benefit a local food pantry.

Hope Christian Academy in Dickinson held the fundraiser spearheaded by Wendy Timmerman’s second-grade class on May 19. As the school year came to a close, Timmerman’s second-grade class decided to fulfill a service project for the community. 

Following prayers about what they should embark on as a class, students picked the carnival fundraiser which they held in the school’s gymnasium to raise funds and gather food donations.

The gymnasium was transformed into a carnival theme and featured games, craft stations and baked goods. The class decided to invite Pre-K through 12th-grade students to join in donating nonperishable foods for the fundraiser. 

The food and funds raised by the event will go to the Dickinson-based Association To Meet Emergency Needs Inc., also known as the AMEN Food Pantry. For more than 35 years, the pantry has served those in need within the community.

Hope Christian partnered with the local Evangelical Bible Church congregation and area residents to receive more donations. After three weeks of gathering donations, the second graders delivered the 1,469 pounds of food to the AMEN Food Pantry. 

“I have been so blessed to witness the childlike faith of these young people. They sincerely believe in the power of prayer,” Timmerman said, referring to the students, in an interview with The Dickinson Press

Timmerman noted that the effort wouldn’t have been a success if it weren’t for the “faith and innocence” of the students. 

“I have learned so much from their innocent examples of complete trust in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to answer prayer,” she added. 

Hope Christian’s website identifies itself as a school that teaches “the Lord Jesus Christ is preeminent in every aspect of life, including education [and] this comprehensive principle underlies every aspect of academic study, each activity, and all of school life.” 

“Students attending Hope Christian Academy are educated based on the foundation of God’s unchanging word, equipping them for a Christian life of service and leadership,” stated the academy.

“Even though the facts of knowledge are identical for both, Hope Christian Academy teaches that no subject can be taught in the totality of its truth when the Creator is denied or ignored.”

Nicole Alcindor is a reporter for The Christian Post. She can be reached at: [email protected].

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