Tue. Feb 4th, 2025

Rejection by Men Means God's ApprovalRejection by Men Means God's Approval

Everyone has experienced rejection, a familiar feeling that frequently causes excruciating pain and confusion. Rejection, however, has a transforming power in the Bible that molds and refines those God has selected to accomplish His purposes. The Bible is filled with tales of people who were rejected but went on to play crucial roles in God’s plan of redemption. This article explores the profound idea of rejection as it is portrayed in the Bible, showing how God uses it to shape His messengers and emphasizing the spiritual principle’s relevance in the modern era.

Rejection in the Old Testament

Moses: Rejected by His People

In the Old Testament, Moses, a significant figure, encountered early rejection in his mission. Raised in Pharaoh’s palace, Moses fled Egypt after killing an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew. In a subsequent event, when he tried to step in and resolve a disagreement between two Hebrews, they dismissed him, saying, “Who gave you the authority to be our ruler and judge?” (Exodus 2:14). This rejection led Moses to flee to Midian, where he spent 40 years in the wilderness before God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

Joseph: Rejected by His Brothers

Joseph’s life is a poignant narrative of rejection and redemption. Because of his dreams and favored status, Joseph’s brothers hated him and sold him into slavery, taking him to Egypt (Genesis 37:12–28). Despite this severe rejection, God was with Joseph, and through a series of divine interventions, he rose to become the second most powerful man in Egypt. His story exemplifies how rejection can be a precursor to God’s more excellent plan.

Jeremiah: The Weeping Prophet

Jeremiah, known as the weeping prophet, faced relentless rejection and persecution. Despite his faithful proclamation of God’s messages, his people despised, mocked, and even imprisoned him (Jeremiah 20:1-2; 37:11–16). In Jeremiah 1:19, God forewarned him, “They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you.” Jeremiah’s endurance amidst rejection highlights the steadfastness required to fulfill God’s mission.

Elijah: Fleeing from Rejection

Elijah, one of the greatest prophets, experienced profound rejection and fear. After defeating the prophets of Baal, he fled for his life from Queen Jezebel’s wrath (1 Kings 19:1-4). Feeling utterly rejected and alone, Elijah sought refuge in the wilderness. Yet, in his lowest moment, God provided comfort and renewed his mission, demonstrating His faithfulness even in despair.

Rejection in the New Testament

Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Rejection

The life and ministry of Jesus Christ epitomize the theme of rejection. Jesus faced opposition from the religious establishment, His hometown, and ultimately the entire world despite performing miracles, giving authoritative lectures, and leading a sinless life. John 1:11 states, “He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.” His rejection culminated in His crucifixion, a necessary part of God’s salvation plan for humanity. Jesus taught, “A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also” (John 15:20).

The Apostles: Rejected for the Gospel

Following in Jesus’ footsteps, the apostles faced severe rejection and persecution.

Peter and John

The Sanhedrin threatened and arrested Peter and John for preaching about Jesus (Acts 4:1–22). Despite the threats, they boldly declared, “We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).


Paul’s ministry is a testament to enduring rejection. He faced numerous hardships, including being stoned and left for dead in Lystra (Acts 14:19), imprisoned multiple times, and ultimately martyred. In 2 Corinthians 11:24–27, Paul recounts his sufferings: “Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked…” His perseverance underscores the resilience required to follow Christ.

The Purpose of Rejection

Refinement and Dependence on God

Rejection serves as a crucible, refining individuals and driving them to a more profound dependence on God. I prepared him to lead Israel during Moses’ time in the wilderness. Joseph’s trials in Egypt honed his leadership and strategic skills. Jeremiah’s suffering deepened his empathy and commitment to God’s message. Rejection strips away self-reliance, fostering a reliance on God’s strength and wisdom.

Validation of Divine Calling

Rejection often validates a divine calling. Jesus warned His followers that they would be hated and persecuted (Matthew 10:22). Paul echoed this idea in 2 Timothy 3:12, declaring that those who desire to lead a godly life in Christ Jesus will be subject to persecution.

Strengthening Faith and Witness

Rejection trials fortify faith, producing perseverance and character (Romans 5:3-5). The apostles’ unwavering belief in the face of persecution bore powerful witness to the truth of the Gospel. Their endurance inspired early Christians and continues to encourage believers today.

Contemporary Relevance

Rejection in the Modern World

In many parts of the world, Christians face intense persecution. In countries across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, believers endure violence, imprisonment, and even death for their faith. Despite this, the church often grows under persecution, a testament to the enduring power of religion and the truth of Jesus’ promise in Matthew 16:18 that “the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

Misunderstanding in the West

In contrast, Western Christians often misunderstand or minimize the significance of rejection. The cultural emphasis on acceptance and success can obscure the biblical principle that following Christ entails suffering and rejection. The church in the West must reclaim this understanding, recognizing that rejection is not a sign of failure but a hallmark of authentic discipleship.


Rejection, though painful, is a vital process through which God prepares His chosen servants. The Bible provides numerous examples of individuals rejected by men but used mightily by God. From Moses and Joseph in the Old Testament to Jesus and the apostles in the New Testament, rejection served to refine, validate, and strengthen their divine mission. Contemporary believers, especially in the West, must embrace this biblical principle, understanding that rejection is not merely an obstacle but a sacred tool for shaping true disciples. As Jesus said, “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

By Christianity News Daily

Christianity News Daily is committed to publishing the latest breaking Christian world news, posts, and stories, with a focus on the persecuted church and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to ensure that the true gospel of Jesus Christ reaches every corner of the globe to fulfill Matthew 24:14 and the great commission.