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Matthew 9:35–38: The Workers Are Few


Have you ever encountered Matthew 9:35–38, which discusses the few workers? It’s a thought-provoking passage that highlights the need for more hands to help with the work. The message in this passage is still relevant today, and it’s a call to action for all of us to come together and lend a helping hand to those in need. So, what can we do to be the change we want to see in the world?

Matthew 9:35–38 is a profound and insightful passage in the New Testament that captures the essence of Jesus’ ministry. It is situated in the context of the Galilean ministry and provides a snapshot of Jesus’ activities as he moved from place to place, preaching, teaching, and healing the sick.

The passage shows Jesus’ deep compassion for humanity and his desire to reach out to the lost and the brokenhearted. It paints a picture of a world in desperate need of redemption and restoration and underscores the urgency of the gospel message.

The passage begins by stating that Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness.

This verse sets the stage for the rest of the passage and highlights the breadth and scope of Jesus’ ministry. It shows that Jesus was not limited to one particular location or group of people but went everywhere, proclaiming the message of hope and healing.

The next verse says that when Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. This verse powerfully demonstrates Jesus’ character and heart for people.

It reveals that Jesus was concerned not only with people’s physical needs but also their spiritual well-being. He saw the people’s pain and suffering and was moved with compassion to do something about it.

The following verses record Jesus’ call for laborers in the harvest field. He told his disciples that the harvest was plentiful, but the workers were few. He urged them to pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into his harvest field.

This call to action is still relevant today, as the need for laborers in God’s mission is as great as ever. Matthew 9:35–38 is a rich and nuanced passage that offers valuable insights into Jesus’ ministry, his heart for people, and his call for active participation in God’s mission. It is a call to compassion, urgent action, and to be part of something greater than ourselves.

Context and Setting

It’s essential to have a clear grasp of the verses’ context to understand them better. His teachings This covers his teachings, dealings with different people and organizations, and many miracles.

To establish his divine authority and power as the Son of God, Jesus miraculously heals a paralyzed man before the verses. The religious authorities in attendance are shocked when Jesus then invites Matthew, a tax collector, to follow him. This episode reminds us of Jesus’ teachings to welcome people from all social classes and backgrounds.

In Matthew 9’s earlier verses, Jesus also argues with religious authorities who challenge his authority and teachings. These disputes highlight the religious authorities’ rejection of Jesus’ teachings and refusal to acknowledge him as the Messiah.

Thus, the background against which the verses are set offers crucial information about Jesus’s life and ministry and the responses of people in his immediate vicinity.

Jesus’s Compassion

The Bible says in verse 36 that Jesus is moved to tears when he sees the size of the crowd that has gathered around him.

The depth of his emotion is palpable, and his reaction to the scene is heartfelt. The text says he felt compassion for them, as they were like sheep without a shepherd—both harassed and helpless. The powerful metaphor paints a vivid picture of humanity’s current state.

Just like sheep that are lost and wander without a guide or protector, people are also lost and vulnerable without the proper guidance. Jesus recognized this and felt deeply compelled to help those in need. His compassionate nature inspired him to teach and guide people and offer them the hope and guidance they desperately needed.

Jesus’ compassion is an emotional response and a call to action. It drives him to engage with people, teach them, heal them, and proclaim the good news of the kingdom. Jesus’ compassion challenges us to see beyond our needs and comfort zones and reach out to the marginalized, oppressed, and in need of hope.

The Plentiful Harvest and the Few Workers

In verses 37–38, Jesus observes the spiritual landscape: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers into his harvest field.” This agricultural metaphor highlights the urgency and abundance of the spiritual harvest awaiting reappearance.

The “harvest” represents the countless souls ready to receive the gospel message and experience transformation through faith in Jesus Christ. It symbolizes the potential for spiritual revival and renewal in communities and nations. Yet, the “few workers” signify the scarcity of laborers willing to engage in evangelism and discipleship’s challenging yet rewarding work.

Jesus’ call to “ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers” is a clarion call for prayer and action. It underscores the importance of seeking divine guidance and empowerment in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19–20) and advancing God’s kingdom on earth.

Implications for Today

The message of Matthew 9:35–38 is a profound reminder that even today, in our world, many individuals are searching for meaning, purpose, and hope amidst the complexities and challenges of life. Like the crowds in Jesus’ time, they long for the love, acceptance, and healing that only Jesus can provide.

As believers, we are called to embody Christ’s compassion, reach out to the lost and brokenhearted, and share the life-transforming message of the gospel. We are invited to participate actively in God’s mission, serving as ambassadors of Christ and laborers in his harvest field.


The passage of Matthew 9:35–38 provides a profound insight into Jesus’ ministry and his love for humanity. The depiction of Jesus in this passage is that of a compassionate

As we reflect on this passage, may we be inspired to respond to Jesus’ call with faithfulness and zeal, trusting in his power to equip us for the work of ministry and to bring forth a bountiful harvest for his kingdom?

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